Seeded Garden
Services, Products & Workshops
Whether you are interested in starting a flower garden or a kitchen garden, or simply want to make a preexisting garden more sustainable, a personalized consultation is the place to start. This 1-hour consultation brings me to your unique space to help give you to inspiration and knowledge. Each consultation includes:
A discussion of your needs and goals in the garden this season.
A site assessment of your garden plot (existing or proposed) for soil conditions, light, and aspect.
Gardening tips and suggestions for sustainable gardens and to meet your time and maintenance expectations.
Planting Schedules for Kitchen gardens and Perennial Plant lists for floral landscapes.
A follow up outline of our consult with further garden placement and/or planting suggestions as well as for future steps to make the garden dream a reality.
Garden Consultation
Additional $25 for 90 Minute Consult addressing a full landscape or both kitchen and perennial gardens. Surcharge for out of Area Visits.
Raised Bed Gardens
Container and Raised bed Gardens are an efficient use of space and allow you to grow right away with healthy soil. Ask us about galvanized herb beds, a raised bed salad or veggie gardens! Design Layouts provided and optional DIY or full Install.
Perennial Garden Design
Take the guesswork out of your garden by letting us design your space. We match aspect and growing conditions with plants best suited to thrive, then layout a planting plan that conforms to your goals and style. We proved a follow up review of the garden plan either in person or via zoom in addition to the digital design complete with images. Garden Design requires an initial consultation, but can be used to install the garden yourself or can be fully planted by us.
$300 for <200 Square foot Garden ($1.00 each additional)
The Seeded Garden also Provides Garden Maintenance and Coaching Sessions:
Gardening is a journey not a destination and The Seeded Garden is here to help along that way! These two types of return sessions are follow up visits to the consultation designed to help you execute one of the projects we outlined (preparing or planting a new bed for example), address a specific garden problem (such as pests, invasives or weed control) or tackle a maintenance issue such as weeding or pruning.
Regular garden labor and maintenance work is any work (planting, weeding, dividing, shopping, pruning, mulching, etc.) that can be completely completed on site without follow up materials. Hourly rate $45 (plus additional out of area fees).
Coaching Sessions are singular return visits to clients who have completed a consultation. This hour visit addresses specific garden issues and/or reviews the plantings and materials outlined in the consultation. $75.00